Spend less time 
reading newswatching videosscrollingswiping
and more time
living life.
If you want to get more sleep, but can't resist that one extra video...
If you want to create something, but end up listening to one more podcast...
If you regret all the hours on your phone that you can't get back...
Then Zendo Key is for you.
Zendo Key adds
just a little friction
to the internet.
First, you set app time limits — maybe 15 minutes per day on YouTube.
Then, you lock those limits with Zendo Key.
In order to break those limits, you'll need to use the key.
You'll be suprised how often you decide not to go into the internet time vortex.
Set app limits.
Lock the limits.
← Try it
Zendo Key actually changed my life. Now I only use social media 5 minutes a day.
Griselda, lawyer
San Diego, CA
Set it up in 5 minutes,
save hours per week.